Selasa, 27 April 2010
100 orang Paling Berpengaruh Di Dunia
Nabi Muhammad SAW menempati kedudukan nomor satu daftar manusia yang paling berpengaruh dalam panggung sejarah dunia, dihitung sampai sekarang.
Hal ini dinyatakan oleh Michael H. Hart, seorang ahli astronomi dan ahli sejarah terkenal di Amerika Serikat dalam bukunya "The 100" yang terbit baru-baru Amerika Serikat.
Menurut Michael Hart, Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah orang yang paling berpengaruh di antara milyaran penduduk dunia, karena ia adalah satu-satunya manusia yang berhasil secara luar biasa baik dalam kegiatan keagamaan maupun pemerintahan
Daftar nama 100 orang paling berpengaruh itu selengkapnya adalah :
Hal ini dinyatakan oleh Michael H. Hart, seorang ahli astronomi dan ahli sejarah terkenal di Amerika Serikat dalam bukunya "The 100" yang terbit baru-baru Amerika Serikat.
Menurut Michael Hart, Nabi Muhammad SAW adalah orang yang paling berpengaruh di antara milyaran penduduk dunia, karena ia adalah satu-satunya manusia yang berhasil secara luar biasa baik dalam kegiatan keagamaan maupun pemerintahan
Daftar nama 100 orang paling berpengaruh itu selengkapnya adalah :
1. | Nabi Muhammad SAW | 51. | Umar bin Khatab |
2. | Isaac Newton | 52. | Asoka |
3. | Nabi Isa | 53. | Sam Augustine |
4. | Buddha | 54. | Max Planck |
5. | Confucius | 55. | John Calvin |
6. | Saint Paul | 56. | William Morton |
7. | Thai Lun | 57. | William Harvey |
8. | Johan Gutemberg | 58. | Antoine Becquerel |
9. | Christopher Columbus | 59. | Greger Mendel |
10. | Albert Einstein | 60. | Joseph Lister |
11. | Karl Marx | 61. | Nicholas August Otto |
12. | Louis Pasteur | 62. | Louis Daguerre |
13. | Galileo Galilei | 63. | Joseph Stalin |
14. | Aristoteles | 64. | Rene Descartes |
15. | V.I. Lenin | 65. | Julius Caesar |
16. | Nabi Musa | 66. | Francisco Pizarro |
17. | Charles Darwin | 67. | Hernando Cortes |
18. | Chin Huang Ti | 68. | Ratu Isabella I |
19. | Agustus Caesar | 69. | William the Congqueror |
20. | Mao Tse-tung | 70. | Thomas Jefferson |
21. | Genghis Khan | 71. | Jean Jacques Rousseau |
22. | Euclid | 72. | Edward Jenner |
23. | Martin Luther | 73. | Wilhelm Rontgen |
24. | Nicolas Copernicus | 74. | Johan Sebastian Bach |
25. | James Watt | 75. | Lau-tzu |
26. | Constantine the Great | 76. | Enrico Ferni |
27. | George Washington | 77. | Thomas Maltus |
28. | Michael Faraday | 78. | Francis Bacon |
29. | James Clerk Maxwell | 79. | Voltaire |
30. | Orville dan Wilbur Wright | 80. | John F. Kennedy |
31. | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | 81. | Gregory Pincus |
32. | Sigmund Freud | 82. | Sui Wen Ti |
33. | lskandar Zulkarnaen | 83. | Mani (Manes) |
34. | Napoleon Bonaparte | 84. | Vasco da Gama |
35. | Adolf Hitler | 85. | Charlemagne |
36. | William Shakespeare | 86. | Cyrys the Great |
37. | Adam Smith | 87. | Leonard Euler |
38. | Thomas Edison | 88. | Nicollo Machiavelli |
39. | Anton van Leuwenhoek | 89. | Zoroaster |
40. | Plato | 90. | Menes |
41. | Gugleilmo Marconi | 91. | Peter the Great |
42. | Ludwig van Beethoven | 92. | Mencius |
43, | Werner Heisenberg | 93. | John Dalton |
44. | Alexander G Bell | 94. | Homer |
45. | Alexander Fleming | 95. | Ratu Elizabeth I |
46. | Simon Bolivar | 96. | Justinian I |
47. | Oliver Cromwell | 97. | Johannes Kepler |
48. | John Locke | 98. | Pablo Picasso |
49. | Michelangelo | 99. | Mahavira |
50. | Pans Urban II | 100. | Niels Bohr |
Ilmu islami
kisah Rasulullah SAW menjelang ajal
Ada sebuah kisah tentang totalitas cinta yang dicontohkan Allah lewat kehidupan Rasul-Nya.
Pagi itu, meski langit telah mulai menguning,burung-burung gurun enggan mengepakkan sayap.
Pagi itu, Rasulullah dengan suara terbata memberikan petuah,
"Wahai umatku, kita semua ada dalam kekuasaan Allah dan cinta kasih-Nya. Maka taati dan bertakwalah kepada-Nya. Kuwariskan dua hal pada kalian, sunnah dan Al Qur'an. Barang siapa mencintai sunnahku, berati mencintai aku dan kelak orang-orang yang mencintaiku, akan bersama-sama masuk surga bersama aku."
Khutbah singkat itu diakhiri dengan pandangan mata Rasulullah yang teduh menatap sahabatnya satu persatu. Abu Bakar menatap mata itu dengan berkaca-kaca, Umar dadanya naik turun menahan napas dan tangisnya. Ustman menghela napas panjang dan Ali menundukkan kepalanya dalam-dalam. Isyarat itu telah datang, saatnya sudah tiba.
"Rasulullah akan meninggalkan kita semua,"
desah hati semua sahabat kala itu. Manusia tercinta itu, hampir usai menunaikan tugasnya di dunia. Tanda-tanda itu semakin kuat, tatkala Ali dan Fadhal dengan sigapmenangkap Rasulullah yang limbung saat turun dari mimbar. Saat itu, seluruh sahabat yang hadir di sana pasti akan menahan detik-detik berlalu, kalau bisa.
Matahari kian tinggi, tapi pintu Rasulullah masih tertutup. Sedang di dalamnya, Rasulullah sedang terbaring lemah dengan keningnya yang berkeringat dan membasahi pelepah kurma yang menjadi alas tidurnya.
Tiba-tiba dari luar pintu terdengar seorang yang berseru mengucapkan salam.
"Bolehkah saya masuk?" tanyanya.
Tapi Fatimah tidak mengizinkannya masuk,
"Maafkanlah, ayahku sedang demam," kata Fatimah yang membalikkan badan dan menutup pintu. Kemudian ia kembali menemani ayahnya yang ternyata sudah membuka mata dan bertanya pada Fatimah,
"Siapakah itu wahai anakku?"
"Tak tahulah aku ayah, sepertinya ia baru sekali ini aku melihatnya," tutur Fatimah lembut. Lalu, Rasulullah menatap putrinya itu dengan pandangan yang menggetarkan. Satu-satu bagian wajahnya seolah hendak di kenang.
"Ketahuilah, dialah yang menghapuskan kenikmatan sementara, dialah yang memisahkan pertemuan di dunia. Dialah malakul maut," kata Rasulullah. Fatimah pun menahan ledakkan tangisnya.
Malaikat maut datang menghampiri, tapi Rasulullah menanyakan kenapa Jibril tak ikut menyertai. Kemudian dipanggilah Jibril yang sebelumnya sudah bersiap diatas langit dunia menyambut ruh kekasih Allah dan penghulu dunia ini.
"Jibril, jelaskan apa hakku nanti dihadapan Allah?" Tanya Rasululllah dengan suara yang amat lemah.
"Pintu-pintu langit telah terbuka, para malaikat telah menanti ruhmu. Semua surga terbuka lebar menanti kedatanganmu," kata jibril. Tapi itu ternyata tak membuat Rasulullah lega, matanya masih penuh kecemasan.
"Engkau tidak senang mendengar kabar ini?" Tanya Jibril lagi.
"Kabarkan kepadaku bagaimana nasib umatku kelak?"
"Jangan khawatir, wahai Rasul Allah, aku pernah mendengar Allah berfirman kepadaku:
'Kuharamkan surga bagi siapa saja, kecuali umat Muhammad telah berada didalamnya," kata Jibril.
Detik-detik semakin dekat, saatnya Izrail melakukan tugas. Perlahan ruh Rasulullah ditarik Tampak seluruh tubuh Rasulullah bersimbah peluh, urat-urat lehernya menegang.
"Jibril, betapa sakit sakaratul maut ini." Lirih Rasulullah mengaduh.
Fatimah terpejam, Ali yang di sampingnya menunduk semakin dalam dan Jibril membuang muka.
"Jijikkah kau melihatku, hingga kaupalingkan wajahmu Jibril?" Tanya Rasulullah pada Malaikat pengantar wahyu itu.
" Siapakah yang tega, melihat kekasih Allah direnggut ajal," kata Jibril.
Sebentar kemudian terdengar Rasulullah memekik, karena sakit yang tak tertahankan lagi.
"Ya Allah, dahsyat niat maut ini, timpakan saja semua siksa maut ini kepadaku, jangan pada umatku."
Badan Rasulullah mulai dingin, kaki dan dadanya sudah tak bergerak lagi. Bibirnya bergetar seakan hendak membisikkan sesuatu, Ali segera mendekatkan telinganya.
"Uushiikum bis shalati, wa maa malakat aimanuku, peliharalah shalat dan santuni orang-orang lemah di antaramu."
Di luar pintu tangis mulai terdengar bersahutan, sahabat saling berpelukan.Fatimah menutupkan tangan di wajahnya, dan Ali kembali mendekatkan telinganya ke bibir Rasulullah yang mulai kebiruan.
"Ummatii, ummatii, ummatiii?" - "Umatku, umatku, umatku"
Dan, pupuslah kembang hidup manusia mulia itu. Kini, mampukah kita mencinta sepertinya?
Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad wa baarik wa salim 'alaihi. Betapa cintanya Rasulullah kepada kita. Tumbuhkanlah kesadaran untuk mencintai Allah dan RasulNya, dengan realiasi Al-Qur’an dan Sunnah Rasul dalam kehidupan kita sehari-hari, seperti Allah dan Rasulnya mencinta kita. Karena sesungguhnya selain daripada itu hanyalah fana belaka.
Ilmu islami
sekelumit tentang saya di cinta rasul,wkt minta saran..
rhobby septiadi
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 07 Apr 2007
Post: 547
Lokasi: kampoeng baroe Jakarta barat,
PostDikirim: Min Ags 30, 2009 8:44 pm Judul: minta saran dong... Balas dengan kutipan Ubah/Hapus pesan
para CRF yg terhormat....,
saya mo minta saran dong...
atau sekedar pendapat selama saya di forum ini tuh gmn....
Hidupku karena cintaNya dan hidupku untuk menggapai cinta dan keridhoanNya
ya Allah, tiada Tuhan selain Engkau Maha Suci Engkau sedang hamba hanyalah orang yg penuh dosa
Kembali Ke Atas
Lihat profil user Kirim pesan pribadi Kirim email Yahoo ID
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 25 Nov 2008
Post: 930
Lokasi: jakarta poesat
PostDikirim: Sen Ags 31, 2009 10:57 am Judul: Balas dengan kutipan
yang aku kenal..baik,,pintar banget sampe aku jadi kagum... apalagi??
Kembali Ke Atas
Lihat profil user Kirim pesan pribadi
rhobby septiadi
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 07 Apr 2007
Post: 547
Lokasi: kampoeng baroe Jakarta barat,
PostDikirim: Sab Sep 26, 2009 5:47 pm Judul: Balas dengan kutipan Ubah/Hapus pesan
wah..masa..??makasih maria...hehehehe
yg laennya mna nih..??hehehehe
Hidupku karena cintaNya dan hidupku untuk menggapai cinta dan keridhoanNya
ya Allah, tiada Tuhan selain Engkau Maha Suci Engkau sedang hamba hanyalah orang yg penuh dosa
Kembali Ke Atas
Lihat profil user Kirim pesan pribadi Kirim email Yahoo ID
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 03 Jul 2007
Post: 377
Lokasi: bandung
PostDikirim: Min Okt 11, 2009 4:18 am Judul: Balas dengan kutipan
robby itu .... aku ga tau rob, dah lama ga masuk forum jadi ga tau gimana kamu ... Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy
adi nuryadin
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Lihat profil user Kirim pesan pribadi Yahoo ID
rhobby septiadi
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 07 Apr 2007
Post: 547
Lokasi: kampoeng baroe Jakarta barat,
PostDikirim: Min Okt 11, 2009 8:22 pm Judul: Balas dengan kutipan Ubah/Hapus pesan
hahahaha...hahahaha....hahahaa..yaya GPP kok...hahahaha
Hidupku karena cintaNya dan hidupku untuk menggapai cinta dan keridhoanNya
ya Allah, tiada Tuhan selain Engkau Maha Suci Engkau sedang hamba hanyalah orang yg penuh dosa
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Lihat profil user Kirim pesan pribadi Kirim email Yahoo ID
Endang Kurnia
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 05 Mar 2006
Post: 1188
Lokasi: Indramayu
PostDikirim: Sel Okt 27, 2009 4:25 pm Judul: Balas dengan kutipan
Rhobby, CRF sejati... terus ramaikan web yang jadi saksi umat Rasul yg mencintainya... Sempat ku simpan nomer HP rhobby tapi kara pernah hilang HP, nomernya hilang dech...
Love Allah & Messenger of Allah Endless Love
We Must Do Best For Our Beloved... Allah & Rasulullah
Cukuplah Allah semuanya bagiku, Rasul waliku, Sulis penghias imanku
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ICQ Number
ziyadatu khair ayda
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 24 Okt 2009
Post: 28
Lokasi: jakarta selatan
PostDikirim: Rab Okt 28, 2009 8:44 am Judul: Balas dengan kutipan
Smile ....senyum ajah...aku baru siyh....Wink
Kembali Ke Atas
Lihat profil user Kirim pesan pribadi Yahoo ID
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 29 Mar 2009
Post: 35
Lokasi: Boemie Are you
PostDikirim: Jum Okt 30, 2009 2:18 pm Judul: Balas dengan kutipan
jauh lbh bae dr q...
Kembali Ke Atas
Lihat profil user Kirim pesan pribadi
fear dauz
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 07 Mar 2009
Post: 106
Lokasi: Condet City Jakarta
PostDikirim: Sen Nov 02, 2009 5:04 pm Judul: Balas dengan kutipan
ente termasuk salah satu yg paling aktif di web.... Smile
we r' the best ummat.....
kuntum khoiru ummatin ukhrijatlinnaasi ta'muruunabil ma'ruf watanhauna anil munkar.....
ALLAHU AKBAR...........!
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Lihat profil user Kirim pesan pribadi Kirim email Kunjungi situs pengirim Yahoo ID
rhobby septiadi
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 07 Apr 2007
Post: 547
Lokasi: kampoeng baroe Jakarta barat,
PostDikirim: Min Nov 08, 2009 2:44 pm Judul: Balas dengan kutipan Ubah/Hapus pesan
hahaha...bisa skrg lg lmyn sbk,cory jd g OL2
Hidupku karena cintaNya dan hidupku untuk menggapai cinta dan keridhoanNya
ya Allah, tiada Tuhan selain Engkau Maha Suci Engkau sedang hamba hanyalah orang yg penuh dosa
Kembali Ke Atas
Lihat profil user Kirim pesan pribadi Kirim email Yahoo ID
rhobby septiadi
Cinta Rasul Family
Sejak: 07 Apr 2007
Post: 547
Lokasi: kampoeng baroe Jakarta barat,
PostDikirim: Min Nov 15, 2009 8:56 pm Judul: Balas dengan kutipan Ubah/Hapus pesan Hapus post ini
iya mbak Endang,saya pasti akan coba wat trus ramaikan forum ni...
nope saya??nanti deh gampang...hehehehe
Hidupku karena cintaNya dan hidupku untuk menggapai cinta dan keridhoanNya
ya Allah, tiada Tuhan selain Engkau Maha Suci Engkau sedang hamba hanyalah orang yg penuh dosa
About me
menjelang ajal Rasulullah SAW
Tiba-tiba dari luar pintu terdengar seorang yang berseru mengucapkan salam."Bolehkah saya masuk?" tanyanya.
Tapi Fatimah tidak mengizinkannya masuk,"Maafkanlah, ayahku sedang demam",kata Fatimah yang membalikkan badan dan menutup pintu.
Kemudian ia kembali menemani ayahnya yang ternyata sudah membuka mata dan bertanya pada Fatimah, "Siapakah itu wahai anakku?"
"Tak tahulah ayahku, orang sepertinya baru sekali ini aku melihatnya," tutur Fatimah lembut. Lalu, Rasulullah menatap puterinya itu dengan pandangan yang menggetarkan.
Seolah-olah bahagian demi bahagian wajah anaknya itu hendak dikenang.
"Ketahuilah, dialah yang menghapuskan kenikmatan sementara, dialah yang memisahkan pertemuan di dunia.
Dialah malaikatul maut," kata Rasulullah, Fatimah pun menahan
ledakkan tangisnya. Malaikat maut datang menghampiri, tapi Rasulullah menanyakan kenapa Jibril tidak ikut sama menyertainya.
Kemudian dipanggilah Jibril yang sebelumnya sudah bersiap di atas langit
dunia menyambut ruh kekasih Allah dan penghulu dunia ini.
"Jibril, jelaskan apa hakku nanti di hadapan Allah?", tanya Rasululllah dengan suara yang amat lemah.
"Pintu-pintu langit telah terbuka, para malaikat telah menanti ruhmu.
"Semua syurga terbuka lebar menanti kedatanganmu," kata Jibril.
Tapi itu ternyata tidak membuatkan Rasulullah lega, matanya masih penuh kecemasan. "Engkau tidak senang Mendengar khabar ini?", tanya Jibril lagi. "Khabarkan kepadaku bagaimana nasib umatku kelak?"
"Jangan khawatir, wahai Rasul Allah, aku pernah mendengar Allah berfirman kepadaku: "Kuharamkan syurga bagi siapa saja, kecuali umat Muhammad telah berada di dalamnya," kata Jibril.
Detik-detik semakin dekat, saatnya Izrail melakukan tugas. Perlahan ruh Rasulullah ditarik.
Nampak seluruh tubuh Rasulullah bersimbah peluh, urat-urat lehernya menegang. "Jibril, betapa sakit sakaratul maut ini."
Perlahan Rasulullah mengaduh. Fatimah terpejam, Ali yang disampingnya
menunduk semakin dalam dan Jibril memalingkan muka.
"Jijikkah kau melihatku, hingga kau palingkan wajahmu Jibril?"
Tanya Rasulullah pada Malaikat pengantar wahyu itu.
"Siapakah yang sanggup, melihat kekasih Allah direnggut ajal," kata Jibril.
Sebentar kemudian terdengar Rasulullah mengaduh, karena sakit yang tidak tertahankan lagi.
"Ya Allah, dahsyat nian maut ini, timpakan saja semua siksa maut ini kepadaku, jangan pada umatku."
Badan Rasulullah mulai dingin, kaki dan dadanya sudah tidak bergerak lagi.
Bibirnya bergetar seakan hendak membisikkan sesuatu, Ali segera
mendekatkan telinganya.
"Uushiikum bis shalati, wa maa malakat aimanukum"
"peliharalah shalat dan peliharalah orang-orang lemah di antaramu."
Diluar pintu tangis mulai terdengar bersahutan, sahabat saling berpelukan.
Fatimah menutupkan tangan di wajahnya, dan Ali kembali mendekatkan telinganya ke bibir Rasulullah yang mulai kebiruan.
"Ummatii,ummatii,ummatiii?" -
"Umatku, umatku, umatku"
Dan, berakhirlah hidup manusia mulia yang memberi sinaran itu.
Kini, mampukah kita mencintai sepertinya?
Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad wa baarik wa salim 'alaihi
Betapa cintanya Rasulullah kepada kita.
Tapi Fatimah tidak mengizinkannya masuk,"Maafkanlah, ayahku sedang demam",kata Fatimah yang membalikkan badan dan menutup pintu.
Kemudian ia kembali menemani ayahnya yang ternyata sudah membuka mata dan bertanya pada Fatimah, "Siapakah itu wahai anakku?"
"Tak tahulah ayahku, orang sepertinya baru sekali ini aku melihatnya," tutur Fatimah lembut. Lalu, Rasulullah menatap puterinya itu dengan pandangan yang menggetarkan.
Seolah-olah bahagian demi bahagian wajah anaknya itu hendak dikenang.
"Ketahuilah, dialah yang menghapuskan kenikmatan sementara, dialah yang memisahkan pertemuan di dunia.
Dialah malaikatul maut," kata Rasulullah, Fatimah pun menahan
ledakkan tangisnya. Malaikat maut datang menghampiri, tapi Rasulullah menanyakan kenapa Jibril tidak ikut sama menyertainya.
Kemudian dipanggilah Jibril yang sebelumnya sudah bersiap di atas langit
dunia menyambut ruh kekasih Allah dan penghulu dunia ini.
"Jibril, jelaskan apa hakku nanti di hadapan Allah?", tanya Rasululllah dengan suara yang amat lemah.
"Pintu-pintu langit telah terbuka, para malaikat telah menanti ruhmu.
"Semua syurga terbuka lebar menanti kedatanganmu," kata Jibril.
Tapi itu ternyata tidak membuatkan Rasulullah lega, matanya masih penuh kecemasan. "Engkau tidak senang Mendengar khabar ini?", tanya Jibril lagi. "Khabarkan kepadaku bagaimana nasib umatku kelak?"
"Jangan khawatir, wahai Rasul Allah, aku pernah mendengar Allah berfirman kepadaku: "Kuharamkan syurga bagi siapa saja, kecuali umat Muhammad telah berada di dalamnya," kata Jibril.
Detik-detik semakin dekat, saatnya Izrail melakukan tugas. Perlahan ruh Rasulullah ditarik.
Nampak seluruh tubuh Rasulullah bersimbah peluh, urat-urat lehernya menegang. "Jibril, betapa sakit sakaratul maut ini."
Perlahan Rasulullah mengaduh. Fatimah terpejam, Ali yang disampingnya
menunduk semakin dalam dan Jibril memalingkan muka.
"Jijikkah kau melihatku, hingga kau palingkan wajahmu Jibril?"
Tanya Rasulullah pada Malaikat pengantar wahyu itu.
"Siapakah yang sanggup, melihat kekasih Allah direnggut ajal," kata Jibril.
Sebentar kemudian terdengar Rasulullah mengaduh, karena sakit yang tidak tertahankan lagi.
"Ya Allah, dahsyat nian maut ini, timpakan saja semua siksa maut ini kepadaku, jangan pada umatku."
Badan Rasulullah mulai dingin, kaki dan dadanya sudah tidak bergerak lagi.
Bibirnya bergetar seakan hendak membisikkan sesuatu, Ali segera
mendekatkan telinganya.
"Uushiikum bis shalati, wa maa malakat aimanukum"
"peliharalah shalat dan peliharalah orang-orang lemah di antaramu."
Diluar pintu tangis mulai terdengar bersahutan, sahabat saling berpelukan.
Fatimah menutupkan tangan di wajahnya, dan Ali kembali mendekatkan telinganya ke bibir Rasulullah yang mulai kebiruan.
"Ummatii,ummatii,ummatiii?" -
"Umatku, umatku, umatku"
Dan, berakhirlah hidup manusia mulia yang memberi sinaran itu.
Kini, mampukah kita mencintai sepertinya?
Allahumma sholli 'ala Muhammad wa baarik wa salim 'alaihi
Betapa cintanya Rasulullah kepada kita.
Ilmu islami
Daftar lagu naruto
Rhobby D Namikaze 31 Maret jam 16:40
Gyu-Ru-Ru N/A The Naruto Movie Official Theme Song
Hajimete Kimi to Shabetta (I Talked to You for the First Time) 8th Ending Song
Home Sweet Home Movie Main Theme
Mountain a Go Go Too 7th Ending
Nakushita Kotoba (Lost Words) Ninth Ending
Namikaze Satellite 7th Opening
Naruto Ondo
Natsuhiboshi (Summer Day Star) Ep. 182 Insert song
No boy, No cry 6th opening
Parade 12th Ending
Pinocchio 14th Ending
Remember (Remember) Opening 8
Ryuusei (Shooting Star) 6th Ending Song
Scenario 15th ending
Seishun Kyousoukyou (Youth Rhaspsody) 5th Opening
Soba ni iru Kara Because (I'm by your side 11th Ending)
Speed 10th Ending
tenkyu (thank you c/w harumonia)
Tsubomi Movie 3 Theme
Yellow Moon 13th Ending
Yura Yura (Wavering) 9th opening
best hits..:
1 ROCKS 1st Opening Song
2 Wind Ending Song
3 Haruka Kanata Far-off Distance 2nd Opening Song
4 HARUMONIA Harmonia 2nd Ending Song
5 kanashimi wo yasashisa ni turning sadness into kindness 3rd Opening Song
6 VIVA*ROCK ~japanese side~ N/A 3rd Ending Song
7 ALIVE 4th Ending Song
8 GO!!! N/A 4th Opening Song
9 Ima made Nandomo Many Times Until Now 5th Ending Song
Hero's Come Back!! 1st Opening
Distance 2nd Opening
Blue Bird 3rd Opening
CLOSER 4th Opening
Hotaru no Hikari Light of the Fireflies 5th Opening
Sign 6th Opening
Nagareboshi ~Shooting Star~ 1st Ending
Michi~To You All~ Road~To You All~ 2nd Ending
Kimi Monogatari The Story About You 3rd Ending
Mezamero! Yasei 4th Ending Song
Sunao na Niji Honest Rainbow 5th Ending
Broken Youth 6th Ending
Long Kiss Goodbye 7th Ending
Bacchikoi! 8th Ending
Shinkokyuu Deep Breaths 9th Ending
My ANSWER 10th ending
Omae Dattanda It Was You 11th ending
For You 12th Ending theme
Lie-Lie-Lie 1st Movie Theme
Dareka ga Somebody 3rd Movie Theme
special 4 konoha ANBU members
kamu bisa download di link seperti di..4shared,,atau di gendou,atau aimini
OST naruto-R★O★C★K★S (1st Opening Song)
OST naruto-Wind (1st Ending Song)
OST naruto-haruka kanata (2nd Opening Song)
OST naruto-harmonia (2nd Ending Song)
OST naruto-kanashimi wo yasashisa ni (3rd Opening Song)
OST naruto-VIVA*ROCK ~japanese side~ (3rd Ending Song)
OST naruto- ALIVE (4th Ending Song)
OST naruto-GO!!! (4th Opening Song)
OST naruto-Ima made Nandomo (5th Ending Song)
Seishun Kyousoukyoku (Youth Rhaspsody)
Minggu, 25 April 2010
OST naruto-Ima made Nandomo
Ima made Nandomo
Many Times Until Now
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 9
Description: 5th Ending Song
Artist: The Massmissile
gaman no renzoku dattaro kokoro de naiteita ndarou
jibun de kimeta sono yume dake wa yuzurenai ndarou?
Maybe, it was a constant self-control. Maybe, you were crying inside.
You can't give away the dream you chose yourself?
kurushi nda kazu nanka yori utagatta kazu nanka yori
waratta kazu ya shinjita kazu ga
sukoshi dake ooi jinsei de arimasu you ni
More than the number of times I suffered, more than the number of times I doubt,
I want the number of times I laugh and trust others,
and I pray that it'll happen in my life.
wakiyaku dakedo kage no hito dakedo
yume to mukiau toki kurai
man naka ni isasete shoujiki ni isasete
Even though I was always a side character, even though I'm a shadow,
Let me be in the center when I dream.
Let me be honest.
ima made nandomo nan toka akiramezu ni
ima made nandomo tachi agatte kita janai ka
ima made nandomo bokura
nandomo shinjite nandomo yume mite
Frequently, somehow I didn't give up.
Frequently,I always stand up, right?
Frequently, we always trust each other
Frequently, I dreamed.
ima made nandomo baka o mite kita janai ka
ima made nandomo
hito no kage ni tatte kita janai ka
saa shuyaku da yo jibun no yume kurai
wagamama de isasete
Frequently, I had seen the stupid things
I was standing in someone's shadow
Now, I'm a main character.
Let me be selfish.
iron na mono kara nigedashite
sono ketsudan o sakiokori ni shita
sono yume dake wa sono yume dake wa
sono yume dake wa...
I have been escaping from a lot of things
I terminate those decision
But for that dream, but for that dream
but for that dream...
wakiyaku nante mou takusan da
yume to mukiau toki kurai
man naka ni isasete shoujiki ni isasete
wakiyaku janakutte shuyaku de iyouze
I'm sick of a side character.
While I'm dreaming, let me be in the center when I dream.
Let me be honest.
Let me become not a side character but a main character.
ima made nandomo nan toka akiramezu ni
ima made nandomo tachi agatte kita janai ka
ima made nandomo bokura
nandomo shinjite nandomo yume mite
Frequently, somehow I didn't give up.
Frequently,I always stand up, right?
Frequently, we always trust each other
Frequently, I dreamed.
tsuranuku tame ni iroiro mageta
shinjiru tame ni utagatte kita
mamotteku tame ni hito o kizutsuketa
ima made nandomo nandomo
To break off the seal, I bent a lot
To trust someone, I doubted a lot.
To protect someone, I had hurt a lot.
ima made nandomo baka o mite kita janai ka
nandomo hito no kage ni tatte kita janai ka
saa shuyaku da yo jibun no yume kurai
wagamama de isasete
Frequently, I had seen the stupid things
Frequently, I was standing in someone's shadow
Now, I'm a main character.
Let me be selfish.
Many Times Until Now
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 9
Description: 5th Ending Song
Artist: The Massmissile
gaman no renzoku dattaro kokoro de naiteita ndarou
jibun de kimeta sono yume dake wa yuzurenai ndarou?
Maybe, it was a constant self-control. Maybe, you were crying inside.
You can't give away the dream you chose yourself?
kurushi nda kazu nanka yori utagatta kazu nanka yori
waratta kazu ya shinjita kazu ga
sukoshi dake ooi jinsei de arimasu you ni
More than the number of times I suffered, more than the number of times I doubt,
I want the number of times I laugh and trust others,
and I pray that it'll happen in my life.
wakiyaku dakedo kage no hito dakedo
yume to mukiau toki kurai
man naka ni isasete shoujiki ni isasete
Even though I was always a side character, even though I'm a shadow,
Let me be in the center when I dream.
Let me be honest.
ima made nandomo nan toka akiramezu ni
ima made nandomo tachi agatte kita janai ka
ima made nandomo bokura
nandomo shinjite nandomo yume mite
Frequently, somehow I didn't give up.
Frequently,I always stand up, right?
Frequently, we always trust each other
Frequently, I dreamed.
ima made nandomo baka o mite kita janai ka
ima made nandomo
hito no kage ni tatte kita janai ka
saa shuyaku da yo jibun no yume kurai
wagamama de isasete
Frequently, I had seen the stupid things
I was standing in someone's shadow
Now, I'm a main character.
Let me be selfish.
iron na mono kara nigedashite
sono ketsudan o sakiokori ni shita
sono yume dake wa sono yume dake wa
sono yume dake wa...
I have been escaping from a lot of things
I terminate those decision
But for that dream, but for that dream
but for that dream...
wakiyaku nante mou takusan da
yume to mukiau toki kurai
man naka ni isasete shoujiki ni isasete
wakiyaku janakutte shuyaku de iyouze
I'm sick of a side character.
While I'm dreaming, let me be in the center when I dream.
Let me be honest.
Let me become not a side character but a main character.
ima made nandomo nan toka akiramezu ni
ima made nandomo tachi agatte kita janai ka
ima made nandomo bokura
nandomo shinjite nandomo yume mite
Frequently, somehow I didn't give up.
Frequently,I always stand up, right?
Frequently, we always trust each other
Frequently, I dreamed.
tsuranuku tame ni iroiro mageta
shinjiru tame ni utagatte kita
mamotteku tame ni hito o kizutsuketa
ima made nandomo nandomo
To break off the seal, I bent a lot
To trust someone, I doubted a lot.
To protect someone, I had hurt a lot.
ima made nandomo baka o mite kita janai ka
nandomo hito no kage ni tatte kita janai ka
saa shuyaku da yo jibun no yume kurai
wagamama de isasete
Frequently, I had seen the stupid things
Frequently, I was standing in someone's shadow
Now, I'm a main character.
Let me be selfish.
OST naruto-GO!!!
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 8
Description: 4th Opening Song
vocal: FLOW
We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Kewashii shura no michi no naka Hito no chizu wo hirogete doko e yuku?
Gokusaishoku no karasu ga Sore wo ubaitotte yaburisuteta
At the middle of a grim fighting road, we up man's map; where do we go?
The plant-eating crow plunders that and escapes
Saa kokoro no me Mihiraite Shika to ima wo mikiwamero! (Yeah!)
Ushinau mono nante nai sa Iza mairou!
Now, the eye of the heart only opens to make sure of the present! (Yeah!)
There is nothing lost, so let's turn back!
We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Oto wo tatezu shinobiyoru kage ga Itsumo bokura wo madowaseru
Yuugenjikkou Ooki na kaze ga Uneri wo agete fukiareru
The creeping soundless shadow always puzzles us
The big short burst of wind increases the swell as it blows over
Kazashita surudoi katana de Onore no asu Kirihirake! (Yeah!)
Hoshou nante Doko ni mo nai sa Naa Sou daro!?
The sharp raised blade cuts open my tomorrow! (Yeah!)
Whatever the guarantee, its not anywhere it seems!?
We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
We are Fighting Dreamers Kono nakama-tachi to
Fighting Dreamers Subete wo makikomi
Fighting Dreamers Kokorozashi Takaku
Oli Oli Oli Oh-!
We are Fighting Dreamers, with these best friends
Fighting Dreamers, swallowing up everything
Fighting Dreamers, with high ambitions
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
(Don't forget your first impulse ever)
(Let's keep your adventurous ever)
(Don't forget your first impulse ever)
(Let's keep your adventurous ever)
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 8
Description: 4th Opening Song
vocal: FLOW
We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Kewashii shura no michi no naka Hito no chizu wo hirogete doko e yuku?
Gokusaishoku no karasu ga Sore wo ubaitotte yaburisuteta
At the middle of a grim fighting road, we up man's map; where do we go?
The plant-eating crow plunders that and escapes
Saa kokoro no me Mihiraite Shika to ima wo mikiwamero! (Yeah!)
Ushinau mono nante nai sa Iza mairou!
Now, the eye of the heart only opens to make sure of the present! (Yeah!)
There is nothing lost, so let's turn back!
We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Oto wo tatezu shinobiyoru kage ga Itsumo bokura wo madowaseru
Yuugenjikkou Ooki na kaze ga Uneri wo agete fukiareru
The creeping soundless shadow always puzzles us
The big short burst of wind increases the swell as it blows over
Kazashita surudoi katana de Onore no asu Kirihirake! (Yeah!)
Hoshou nante Doko ni mo nai sa Naa Sou daro!?
The sharp raised blade cuts open my tomorrow! (Yeah!)
Whatever the guarantee, its not anywhere it seems!?
We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
We are Fighting Dreamers Kono nakama-tachi to
Fighting Dreamers Subete wo makikomi
Fighting Dreamers Kokorozashi Takaku
Oli Oli Oli Oh-!
We are Fighting Dreamers, with these best friends
Fighting Dreamers, swallowing up everything
Fighting Dreamers, with high ambitions
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers Takami wo mezashite
Fighting Dreamers Narifuri kamawazu
Fighting Dreamers Shinjiru ga mama ni
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
We are Fighting Dreamers, aiming high
Fighting Dreamers, not caring about appearances
Fighting Dreamers, because we believe
Oli Oli Oli Oh-! Just go my way!
(Don't forget your first impulse ever)
(Let's keep your adventurous ever)
(Don't forget your first impulse ever)
(Let's keep your adventurous ever)
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Buppanase Like a dangan LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Buttakitteku ze Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
Right here Right now (Bang!)
Fire like a bullet LINER!
Right here Right now (Burn!)
Finish it off Get the fire!
OST naruto- ALIVE
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 7
Description: 4th Ending Song
Artist: Raiko
dare datte shippai wa suru nda
hazukashii koto janai
kono kizu o muda ni shinai de
waratte arukereba ii
Everyone makes mistakes at times
It's not something embarrassing
Don't waste these scars
Keep on going laughing, and it'll all be good
sou shizuka na kuuki suikomi
hiroki sora ni kao age tobikomi
toki ni ame ga futtara hito yasumi
jaa yukusaki wa kaze fuku mama ni
takusan no matotteru koukai
kono kizu o muda ni shicha shounai
ude ni kunshou kizami ikoukai shougai
sou kokkara ga Show Time
That's right, breathe in a silent breath
Look to the vast sky, jump in
Take a break once in a while when it rains
Let the wind take the destination
All the regrets you carry
Can't let these scars go to waste
Carve an emblem into your arm, lets go as long as we love
That's right, from here on is the Show Time
ah iroasete kono PORA naka de ikiteru kako no jibun toka
itsumo TSURU nde hi no nai you ni
ibasho mitsukete hiataru you ni
konna kanji de hibi kattou ippo fumidasu beki ganbou
makkou shoubu jibun ni muke issou koko de kono uta hibikasou
Ah Like the past that lives in this fading polaroid picture
Just like the days we hung out
We searched for a place so we can sit in the sun
We fought every day like this The one step you gotta take for your desire
A real fight for yourself Let's sing this song forever in this place
dare datte shippai wa suru nda
hazukashii koto janai
kono kizu o muda ni shinai de
waratte arukereba ii
Everyone makes mistakes at times
It's not something embarrassing
Don't waste these scars
Keep on going laughing, and it'll all be good
kyou hajimari o tsugeru asayake yume to genjitsu no hazama de
What's Say kono koe kareru sono hi made
korogari tsudzukeru Another Day
shuppotsu shinkou kamase in o shindou kaitaku michi ippon yeah
yagate toori ni hanasake soshite mirai ni mugete habatake
genjitsu omoku nokkaru ga mezase chouten Like a No Culture
saru ga saru ni shikanarenai Oh
jibun wa jibun ni shikanarenai Yo
asu o ki ni shite shita muku mae ni
kyou no jibun no ki no muku mama ni
saisei kyou wa chou kaisei nanimo nayami nankanaize
Morning dawn tells you the beginning Between the borders of dream and reality
What's Say until the day my voice dies away
keep on truckin' Another Day
All aboard ready to go Develop a single road yeah
Soon flowers bloom along the way And will spread its wing toward the future
Reality burdens real heavy but go for the top Like a No Culture
A monkey can only be a monkey Oh
One can only be himself Yo
Before you worry about tomorrow with your head down
Be what you wanna be today
Rebirth, today's a fine day I've got nothing to worry for
omoku no shikakaru genjitsu ga
ima no boku o semetateteru
kantan ni wa ikanai na
sonna koto kurai chouchi shiteru yo
Reality leans heavy on me
And it's torturing me
Nothing comes easy
I know that well enough
dare datte shippai wa suru nda
hazukashii koto janai
kono kizu o muda ni shinai de
waratte arukereba ii
takusan no koukai o matotte
aji no aru hito ni naru sa
kanashimi mo kaze ni kaete
tsuyoku susunde ikereba ii
Everyone makes mistakes at times
It's not something embarrassing
Don't waste these scars
Keep on going laughing, and it'll all be good
With all the regrets I've gone through
I'll be a person with taste
Even turn sadness into a wind
Keep on going strong, and it'll all be good
sou shizuka na kuuki suikomi
hiroki sora ni kao age tobikomi
toki ni ame ga futtara hito yasumi
jaa yukusaki wa kaze fuku mama ni
takusan no matotteru koukai
sono kizu o muda ni shicha shounai
ude ni kunshou kizami ikoukai shougai
sou kokkara ga Show Time
That's right, breathe in a silent breath
Look to the vast sky, jump in
Take a break once in a while when it rains
Let the wind take the destination
All the regrets you carry
Can't let these scars go to waste
Carve an emblem into your arm, lets go as long as we love
That's right, from here on is the Show Time
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 7
Description: 4th Ending Song
Artist: Raiko
dare datte shippai wa suru nda
hazukashii koto janai
kono kizu o muda ni shinai de
waratte arukereba ii
Everyone makes mistakes at times
It's not something embarrassing
Don't waste these scars
Keep on going laughing, and it'll all be good
sou shizuka na kuuki suikomi
hiroki sora ni kao age tobikomi
toki ni ame ga futtara hito yasumi
jaa yukusaki wa kaze fuku mama ni
takusan no matotteru koukai
kono kizu o muda ni shicha shounai
ude ni kunshou kizami ikoukai shougai
sou kokkara ga Show Time
That's right, breathe in a silent breath
Look to the vast sky, jump in
Take a break once in a while when it rains
Let the wind take the destination
All the regrets you carry
Can't let these scars go to waste
Carve an emblem into your arm, lets go as long as we love
That's right, from here on is the Show Time
ah iroasete kono PORA naka de ikiteru kako no jibun toka
itsumo TSURU nde hi no nai you ni
ibasho mitsukete hiataru you ni
konna kanji de hibi kattou ippo fumidasu beki ganbou
makkou shoubu jibun ni muke issou koko de kono uta hibikasou
Ah Like the past that lives in this fading polaroid picture
Just like the days we hung out
We searched for a place so we can sit in the sun
We fought every day like this The one step you gotta take for your desire
A real fight for yourself Let's sing this song forever in this place
dare datte shippai wa suru nda
hazukashii koto janai
kono kizu o muda ni shinai de
waratte arukereba ii
Everyone makes mistakes at times
It's not something embarrassing
Don't waste these scars
Keep on going laughing, and it'll all be good
kyou hajimari o tsugeru asayake yume to genjitsu no hazama de
What's Say kono koe kareru sono hi made
korogari tsudzukeru Another Day
shuppotsu shinkou kamase in o shindou kaitaku michi ippon yeah
yagate toori ni hanasake soshite mirai ni mugete habatake
genjitsu omoku nokkaru ga mezase chouten Like a No Culture
saru ga saru ni shikanarenai Oh
jibun wa jibun ni shikanarenai Yo
asu o ki ni shite shita muku mae ni
kyou no jibun no ki no muku mama ni
saisei kyou wa chou kaisei nanimo nayami nankanaize
Morning dawn tells you the beginning Between the borders of dream and reality
What's Say until the day my voice dies away
keep on truckin' Another Day
All aboard ready to go Develop a single road yeah
Soon flowers bloom along the way And will spread its wing toward the future
Reality burdens real heavy but go for the top Like a No Culture
A monkey can only be a monkey Oh
One can only be himself Yo
Before you worry about tomorrow with your head down
Be what you wanna be today
Rebirth, today's a fine day I've got nothing to worry for
omoku no shikakaru genjitsu ga
ima no boku o semetateteru
kantan ni wa ikanai na
sonna koto kurai chouchi shiteru yo
Reality leans heavy on me
And it's torturing me
Nothing comes easy
I know that well enough
dare datte shippai wa suru nda
hazukashii koto janai
kono kizu o muda ni shinai de
waratte arukereba ii
takusan no koukai o matotte
aji no aru hito ni naru sa
kanashimi mo kaze ni kaete
tsuyoku susunde ikereba ii
Everyone makes mistakes at times
It's not something embarrassing
Don't waste these scars
Keep on going laughing, and it'll all be good
With all the regrets I've gone through
I'll be a person with taste
Even turn sadness into a wind
Keep on going strong, and it'll all be good
sou shizuka na kuuki suikomi
hiroki sora ni kao age tobikomi
toki ni ame ga futtara hito yasumi
jaa yukusaki wa kaze fuku mama ni
takusan no matotteru koukai
sono kizu o muda ni shicha shounai
ude ni kunshou kizami ikoukai shougai
sou kokkara ga Show Time
That's right, breathe in a silent breath
Look to the vast sky, jump in
Take a break once in a while when it rains
Let the wind take the destination
All the regrets you carry
Can't let these scars go to waste
Carve an emblem into your arm, lets go as long as we love
That's right, from here on is the Show Time
OST naruto-VIVA*ROCK ~japanese side~
VIVA*ROCK ~japanese side~
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 6
Description: 3rd Ending Song
Lyrics, Music, and Arrangement by ORANGE RANGE
Performed by ORANGE RANGE
ORENJI RENJI wo shitteru kai
kaa-chan-tachi ni wa naishou dazo
omase na ano ko mo kiiteruze
HAIUEI tobasu nya mottekoi
Have you ever heard of the orange range?
Don't tell your mama or she'll think you're insane
All the pretty girls listen and pertain
Our music's best for highway speeding
are mo kore mo dosoku de HAGU-KISSU-I LOVE YOU
YOGA wo kiwamemasu KAREE kirai MASERA-san
hetare tougyuushi SANCHESU OOREI!
Jump number one Tyson doing the Slam Dunk
This and that all barefooted HUG & KISS I love you
I'll master the yoga Mr. Masera hates curry
A Bull fighter that sucks Sanchez alright!
sekaijuu hora waratteru sora miagete
saa tachiagatte Oh Yeah
sekaijuu hora kawatteku min'na ganbatte
So tachiagatte Oh Yeah
All around the world, see Looking up at the laughing sky
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
All around the world, see They're changing They're doing their best
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
kokuen bori ni bottou BODI MA HATTAYASAN mo
MY KOTEKA daiji ni migakiageru POPO-san
ote wo haishaku JAPANIIZU PIIPOO
Obsessed with the United Nations Even Bodi ma Hathayasen
Peking duck Wire Action Chung Li running on a bike
My koteka carefully polishing up Mr. popo
Let's see what you've got JAPANESE PEOPLE
sekaijuu hora waratteru sora miagete
saa tachiagatte Oh Yeah
sekaijuu hora kawatteku min'na ganbatte
So tachiagatte Oh Yeah
All around the world, see Looking up at the laughing sky
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
All around the world, see They're changing They're doing their best
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 6
Description: 3rd Ending Song
Lyrics, Music, and Arrangement by ORANGE RANGE
Performed by ORANGE RANGE
ORENJI RENJI wo shitteru kai
kaa-chan-tachi ni wa naishou dazo
omase na ano ko mo kiiteruze
HAIUEI tobasu nya mottekoi
Have you ever heard of the orange range?
Don't tell your mama or she'll think you're insane
All the pretty girls listen and pertain
Our music's best for highway speeding
are mo kore mo dosoku de HAGU-KISSU-I LOVE YOU
YOGA wo kiwamemasu KAREE kirai MASERA-san
hetare tougyuushi SANCHESU OOREI!
Jump number one Tyson doing the Slam Dunk
This and that all barefooted HUG & KISS I love you
I'll master the yoga Mr. Masera hates curry
A Bull fighter that sucks Sanchez alright!
sekaijuu hora waratteru sora miagete
saa tachiagatte Oh Yeah
sekaijuu hora kawatteku min'na ganbatte
So tachiagatte Oh Yeah
All around the world, see Looking up at the laughing sky
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
All around the world, see They're changing They're doing their best
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
kokuen bori ni bottou BODI MA HATTAYASAN mo
MY KOTEKA daiji ni migakiageru POPO-san
ote wo haishaku JAPANIIZU PIIPOO
Obsessed with the United Nations Even Bodi ma Hathayasen
Peking duck Wire Action Chung Li running on a bike
My koteka carefully polishing up Mr. popo
Let's see what you've got JAPANESE PEOPLE
sekaijuu hora waratteru sora miagete
saa tachiagatte Oh Yeah
sekaijuu hora kawatteku min'na ganbatte
So tachiagatte Oh Yeah
All around the world, see Looking up at the laughing sky
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
All around the world, see They're changing They're doing their best
Now get up stand up Oh yeah
OST naruto-kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
turning sadness into kindness
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 5
Description: 3rd Opening Song
singer: little by little
sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
jibun rashisa wo chikara ni
mayoinagarademo ii arukidashite
mou ikkai mou ikkai
turning sadness into kindeness
your uniqueness into strenght
it's okay to get lost so begin walking
once again, once again
dareka no kitai ni zutto kotae
homerarerunoga suki nano desuka?
naritai jibun wo surikaetemo
egao wa itsudemo suteki desuka?
do you like to be praised by
answering everyone's expectations?
will your smile always be beautiful
even if you hide your true self?
hajimaridake yume mite okiru
sono saki nara itsuka jibun no ude de
just dreaming the beginning then waking up
the continuation can be reached someday by myself
souda daiji na mono wa itsumo
katachi no nai mono dake
te ni iretemo nakushitemo
the most important thing is always
without any shape
even if you have it or lose it
you'll never know
sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
jibun rashisa wo chikara ni
mayoinagarademo ii arukidashite
mou ikkai mou ikkai
turning sadness into kindeness
your uniqueness into strenght
it's okay to get lost so begin walking
once again, once again
zurui otona wa deau tabi
atama gohashi na sekkyou dake
jibun wo sunao ni dasenaku natte
kizutsukinagara sugu ni togatte
unfair adults are always
giving lectures everytime we meet
being unable to show their true selves
they get grouchy as they get hurt
atarashii kaze mikata ni tsukete
sagashite iinda itsuka aoi tori wo
getting the new wind on your side
it's now okay to search for the blue bird
souda daiji na mono wa itsumo
katachi no nai mono dake
te ni iretemo nakushitemo
the most important thing is always
without any shape
even if you have it or lose it
you'll never know
sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
jibun rashisa wo chikara ni
mayoinagarademo ii arukidashite
turning sadness into kindeness
your uniqueness into strenght
it's okay to get lost so begin walking
namida no ato ni wa nazeka fukkireta
sora ni niji ga deru you ni shizen na koto
ame wa agatta
it's natural like the rainbow
that somehow appears after tears
the rain stopped
dakara daiji na mono wa itsumo
katachi no nai mono dake
te ni iretemo nakushitemo
so the most important thing is always
without any shape
even if you have it or lose it
you'll never know
sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
jibun rashisa wo chikara ni
kiminara kitto yareru shinjite ite
mou ikkai mou ikkai
mou ikkai mou iikai?
turning sadness into kindness
your uniqueness into strenght
believeing that you should be able to do it
once again, once again
once again, are you ready?
turning sadness into kindness
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 5
Description: 3rd Opening Song
singer: little by little
sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
jibun rashisa wo chikara ni
mayoinagarademo ii arukidashite
mou ikkai mou ikkai
turning sadness into kindeness
your uniqueness into strenght
it's okay to get lost so begin walking
once again, once again
dareka no kitai ni zutto kotae
homerarerunoga suki nano desuka?
naritai jibun wo surikaetemo
egao wa itsudemo suteki desuka?
do you like to be praised by
answering everyone's expectations?
will your smile always be beautiful
even if you hide your true self?
hajimaridake yume mite okiru
sono saki nara itsuka jibun no ude de
just dreaming the beginning then waking up
the continuation can be reached someday by myself
souda daiji na mono wa itsumo
katachi no nai mono dake
te ni iretemo nakushitemo
the most important thing is always
without any shape
even if you have it or lose it
you'll never know
sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
jibun rashisa wo chikara ni
mayoinagarademo ii arukidashite
mou ikkai mou ikkai
turning sadness into kindeness
your uniqueness into strenght
it's okay to get lost so begin walking
once again, once again
zurui otona wa deau tabi
atama gohashi na sekkyou dake
jibun wo sunao ni dasenaku natte
kizutsukinagara sugu ni togatte
unfair adults are always
giving lectures everytime we meet
being unable to show their true selves
they get grouchy as they get hurt
atarashii kaze mikata ni tsukete
sagashite iinda itsuka aoi tori wo
getting the new wind on your side
it's now okay to search for the blue bird
souda daiji na mono wa itsumo
katachi no nai mono dake
te ni iretemo nakushitemo
the most important thing is always
without any shape
even if you have it or lose it
you'll never know
sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
jibun rashisa wo chikara ni
mayoinagarademo ii arukidashite
turning sadness into kindeness
your uniqueness into strenght
it's okay to get lost so begin walking
namida no ato ni wa nazeka fukkireta
sora ni niji ga deru you ni shizen na koto
ame wa agatta
it's natural like the rainbow
that somehow appears after tears
the rain stopped
dakara daiji na mono wa itsumo
katachi no nai mono dake
te ni iretemo nakushitemo
so the most important thing is always
without any shape
even if you have it or lose it
you'll never know
sousa kanashimi wo yasashisa ni
jibun rashisa wo chikara ni
kiminara kitto yareru shinjite ite
mou ikkai mou ikkai
mou ikkai mou iikai?
turning sadness into kindness
your uniqueness into strenght
believeing that you should be able to do it
once again, once again
once again, are you ready?
OST naruto-harmonia
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 4
Description: 2nd Ending Song
Lyrics, Music: RYTHEM
Arrangement: CHOKKAKU
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
sora wa hate shinaku aoku sunde ite
umi wa kagiri naku koudai de ite
kimi wa itsumade mo egao de ite janai to nai chau kara
the sky is limitless and blue
the sea is endlessly large
to you, please remain smiling or else I'll cry
mawari o mimawasa naku temo mou iin da yo
kono te no naka ni wa minna ga iru kara
you don't have to look around now
because everyone are in these hands
naki taku natte nige taku natte
shiawase o wasure teu shimatta ra mina utae
hikari ga umare yami ga umare ta futatsu wa hitotsu
wanting to cry, wanting to run
if you forget happiness then sing
light was born and dark was born, the two is together
feeling harmonia, telepathy
kumo wa shiroku ukabi tasogare te ite
ame wa kuroku ima mo nai te iru wake janai
kimi mo miagere ba kizuku hitotsu no chokusen
itsu shika kokoro HARERUYA
the cloud is white and drifts aimlessly
the rain isn't black and crying anymore
when you look up, you'll notice that single line
someday, the heart calls hallelujah
kawaranai uta o sagashi te iru aa MISOSAZAI
mienai ito de musuba rete ru mieru desho?
the wren that searches for an unchanging song
can you see that we�re all connected with an unseen thread?
samishiku natte kodoku no fuchi ni
umore teru nara ima me o tojite mina utae
hanare te tatte minna onaji basho(1)
yadori ki no moto
feeling lonely, at the brim of being alone
if you�re buried, close your eyes and sing
even if we�re apart, on that same land,
under that mistletoe
feeling harmonia, telepathy
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
ume miru hito e negai o komete
shiawase o todoke ni doko made mo mina utae
to that dreamer, with love
I will deliver happiness to wherever so sing
shiawase o wasure te shimatta ra mina utae
hikari ga umare yami ga umare ta futatsu wa hitotsu
if you forget happiness then sing
light was born and dark was born, the two is together
the final harmonia, telepathy
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 4
Description: 2nd Ending Song
Lyrics, Music: RYTHEM
Arrangement: CHOKKAKU
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
sora wa hate shinaku aoku sunde ite
umi wa kagiri naku koudai de ite
kimi wa itsumade mo egao de ite janai to nai chau kara
the sky is limitless and blue
the sea is endlessly large
to you, please remain smiling or else I'll cry
mawari o mimawasa naku temo mou iin da yo
kono te no naka ni wa minna ga iru kara
you don't have to look around now
because everyone are in these hands
naki taku natte nige taku natte
shiawase o wasure teu shimatta ra mina utae
hikari ga umare yami ga umare ta futatsu wa hitotsu
wanting to cry, wanting to run
if you forget happiness then sing
light was born and dark was born, the two is together
feeling harmonia, telepathy
kumo wa shiroku ukabi tasogare te ite
ame wa kuroku ima mo nai te iru wake janai
kimi mo miagere ba kizuku hitotsu no chokusen
itsu shika kokoro HARERUYA
the cloud is white and drifts aimlessly
the rain isn't black and crying anymore
when you look up, you'll notice that single line
someday, the heart calls hallelujah
kawaranai uta o sagashi te iru aa MISOSAZAI
mienai ito de musuba rete ru mieru desho?
the wren that searches for an unchanging song
can you see that we�re all connected with an unseen thread?
samishiku natte kodoku no fuchi ni
umore teru nara ima me o tojite mina utae
hanare te tatte minna onaji basho(1)
yadori ki no moto
feeling lonely, at the brim of being alone
if you�re buried, close your eyes and sing
even if we�re apart, on that same land,
under that mistletoe
feeling harmonia, telepathy
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
ume miru hito e negai o komete
shiawase o todoke ni doko made mo mina utae
to that dreamer, with love
I will deliver happiness to wherever so sing
shiawase o wasure te shimatta ra mina utae
hikari ga umare yami ga umare ta futatsu wa hitotsu
if you forget happiness then sing
light was born and dark was born, the two is together
the final harmonia, telepathy
nee kikoe masu ka?
can you hear me?
OST naruto-haruka kanata
Haruka Kanata
Far-off Distance
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 3
Description: 2nd Opening Song
Sung by : Asian Kung-fu Generation
fumikomu ze akuseru kakehiki wa nai sa sou dayo
yoru wo nukeru
nejikomu sa saigo ni sashihiki zero sa sou dayo
hibi wo kezuru
Hit the gas! There's no need to finagle, oh yeah!
We'll go all through the night.
I'll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!
We'll whittle the days away...
kokoro wo sotto hiraite gyutto hiki yosetara
todoku yo kitto tsutau yo motto sa aa
When you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,
Your feelings will surely reach them deeper, yeah...
iki isoide shiboritotte
motsureru ashi dakedo mae yori zutto sou tooku he
ubaitotte tsukandatte
kimi janai nara imi wa nai no sa
Hurry it up! Wring it out!
Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far...
Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,
If it isn't you, then what's the point?
dakara motto motto motto haruka kanata
So I'll go further and further away!
fumikomu ze akuseru kakehiki wa nai sa sou dayo
yoru wo nukeru
nejikomu sa saigo ni sashihiki zero sa sou dayo
hibi wo kezuru
Hit the gas! There's no need to finagle, oh yeah!
We'll go all through the night.
I'll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!
We'll whittle the days away...
kokoro wo sotto hiraite gyutto hiki yosetara
todoku yo kitto tsutau yo motto sa aa
When you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,
Your feelings will surely reach them deeper, yeah..
iki isoide shiboritotte
motsureru ashi dakedo mae yori zutto sou tooku he
ubaitotte tsukandatte
kimi janai nara imi wa nai no sa
Hurry it up! Wring it out!
Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far...
Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,
If it isn't you, then what's the point?
dakara haruka kanata
So I'll go far into the distance...
itsuwaru koto ni nareta kimi no sekai wo
nuritsubusu no sa shiroku shirou
Your world will become a thing of deceit
painted all in white...
Far-off Distance
Album / Collection: Best Hit Collection
Track # 3
Description: 2nd Opening Song
Sung by : Asian Kung-fu Generation
fumikomu ze akuseru kakehiki wa nai sa sou dayo
yoru wo nukeru
nejikomu sa saigo ni sashihiki zero sa sou dayo
hibi wo kezuru
Hit the gas! There's no need to finagle, oh yeah!
We'll go all through the night.
I'll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!
We'll whittle the days away...
kokoro wo sotto hiraite gyutto hiki yosetara
todoku yo kitto tsutau yo motto sa aa
When you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,
Your feelings will surely reach them deeper, yeah...
iki isoide shiboritotte
motsureru ashi dakedo mae yori zutto sou tooku he
ubaitotte tsukandatte
kimi janai nara imi wa nai no sa
Hurry it up! Wring it out!
Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far...
Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,
If it isn't you, then what's the point?
dakara motto motto motto haruka kanata
So I'll go further and further away!
fumikomu ze akuseru kakehiki wa nai sa sou dayo
yoru wo nukeru
nejikomu sa saigo ni sashihiki zero sa sou dayo
hibi wo kezuru
Hit the gas! There's no need to finagle, oh yeah!
We'll go all through the night.
I'll complain at the end, the balance is zero, oh yeah!
We'll whittle the days away...
kokoro wo sotto hiraite gyutto hiki yosetara
todoku yo kitto tsutau yo motto sa aa
When you open your heart a little, and pull someone close to you,
Your feelings will surely reach them deeper, yeah..
iki isoide shiboritotte
motsureru ashi dakedo mae yori zutto sou tooku he
ubaitotte tsukandatte
kimi janai nara imi wa nai no sa
Hurry it up! Wring it out!
Though my legs are all tangled, they will surely take me far...
Even if I steal it and manage to grasp it,
If it isn't you, then what's the point?
dakara haruka kanata
So I'll go far into the distance...
itsuwaru koto ni nareta kimi no sekai wo
nuritsubusu no sa shiroku shirou
Your world will become a thing of deceit
painted all in white...
OST naruto-Wind
Description: Ending Song
Sung and written by Akeboshi
Cultivate your hunger before you idealize.
Motivate your anger to make them all realize.
Climbing the mountain, never coming down.
Break into the contents, never falling down.
My knee is still shaking, like I was twelve,
Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door.
A man railed at me twice though, but I didn't care.
Waiting is wasting for people like me.
Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
You say, "Dreams are dreams.
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore."
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul."
Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down.
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom.
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing.
You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see.
Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
Description: Ending Song
Sung and written by Akeboshi
Cultivate your hunger before you idealize.
Motivate your anger to make them all realize.
Climbing the mountain, never coming down.
Break into the contents, never falling down.
My knee is still shaking, like I was twelve,
Sneaking out of the classroom, by the back door.
A man railed at me twice though, but I didn't care.
Waiting is wasting for people like me.
Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
You say, "Dreams are dreams.
"I ain't gonna play the fool anymore."
You say, "'Cause I still got my soul."
Take your time, baby, your blood needs slowing down.
Breach your soul to reach yourself before you gloom.
Reflection of fear makes shadows of nothing, shadows of nothing.
You still are blind, if you see a winding road,
'Cause there's always a straight way to the point you see.
Don't try to live so wise.
Don't cry 'cause you're so right.
Don't dry with fakes or fears,
'Cause you will hate yourself in the end.
OST naruto-R★O★C★K★S
Description: 1st Opening Song
Artist: Hound Dog
Come on!
Come on!
owareru youni isoi de iru
kawai ta mune ga kari tateru no sa
hito kiwa tsuyoku kagayaku hoshi wa
ima mo tooku ni aru
ushinatte yuku motome nagara
ubawa rete yuku atae nagara
dare no tame de naku dare no mono de naku
ore tachi no ima ga
As if you are being chased, you are in a hurry
This dry heart is screaming
This stubbornly burning star
is still far away
I have been losing while I'm seeking
I have been robbed while I'm giving it
For no one, no one's property
This is our "now"
*omoi kasane yume o kasane hibi o kasane
ase ni mamire namida korae chi o tagi rase
*overlap our feeling, overlap the dream, overlap the days
sweating, holding the tears, stirring the blood
tatakau koto mo aishi au koto mo
haruka hikari no On the way
ura kitte kita shin ji nagara
kitsuke te kita inori nagara
dare no koto de naku dare no sei de naku
ore tachi no ima wo
itami hodoki kokoro hodoki kage o hodoki
iki o tsunete hashiri nukero yami o saite
kana shimu koto mo yume o miru koto mo
owari wa shinai
On the way fighting and loving
it's just a far light On the way
I have been betraying while I'm believing
I haven been hurting while I'm preying
It's no one's business, it's no one's fault
Our now
untie the pain, untie the heart, untie the shadow
hold the breath, run through the darkness
feeling grief and dreaming
will never end On the way
Repeat *
I wanna ROCKS mune ni ROCKS
I wanna ROCKS in the heart ROCKS
Description: 1st Opening Song
Artist: Hound Dog
Come on!
Come on!
owareru youni isoi de iru
kawai ta mune ga kari tateru no sa
hito kiwa tsuyoku kagayaku hoshi wa
ima mo tooku ni aru
ushinatte yuku motome nagara
ubawa rete yuku atae nagara
dare no tame de naku dare no mono de naku
ore tachi no ima ga
As if you are being chased, you are in a hurry
This dry heart is screaming
This stubbornly burning star
is still far away
I have been losing while I'm seeking
I have been robbed while I'm giving it
For no one, no one's property
This is our "now"
*omoi kasane yume o kasane hibi o kasane
ase ni mamire namida korae chi o tagi rase
*overlap our feeling, overlap the dream, overlap the days
sweating, holding the tears, stirring the blood
tatakau koto mo aishi au koto mo
haruka hikari no On the way
ura kitte kita shin ji nagara
kitsuke te kita inori nagara
dare no koto de naku dare no sei de naku
ore tachi no ima wo
itami hodoki kokoro hodoki kage o hodoki
iki o tsunete hashiri nukero yami o saite
kana shimu koto mo yume o miru koto mo
owari wa shinai
On the way fighting and loving
it's just a far light On the way
I have been betraying while I'm believing
I haven been hurting while I'm preying
It's no one's business, it's no one's fault
Our now
untie the pain, untie the heart, untie the shadow
hold the breath, run through the darkness
feeling grief and dreaming
will never end On the way
Repeat *
I wanna ROCKS mune ni ROCKS
I wanna ROCKS in the heart ROCKS
Rabu, 21 April 2010
Al 'Itirof
Al 'Itirof
Ilahi lastu lil Firdausi Ahlaan
Walaa ’Aqwa ’Alaa Naaril Jahiimi
Fahabli Taubatan Waghfir Dzunubi
Fainnaka Ghofirudz Dzambil ’Adzhiimi
Zunuubi mitslu a’dadirrimaali
Fahabli Taubatan Ya Dzaljalaali
Wa ’umri Naqisun Fii Kulli Yaumin
Wa Dzambil Zaidun Kaifa Ihtimaali
Illahi ’Abdukal ’Aasi ataaka
Muqirrambidzunubi Waqodda’aaka
Faintaghfir Faanta Lidzaaka ahlu
Wa Intathrud Famannarju Siwaaka
Ilahi lastu lil Firdausi Ahlaan
Walaa ’Aqwa ’Alaa Naaril Jahiimi
Fahabli Taubatan Waghfir Dzunubi
Fainnaka Ghofirudz Dzambil ’Adzhiimi
Ilahi lastu lil Firdausi Ahlaan
Walaa ’Aqwa ’Alaa Naaril Jahiimi
Fahabli Taubatan Waghfir Dzunubi
Fainnaka Ghofirudz Dzambil ’Adzhiim
Ilahi lastu lil Firdausi Ahlaan
Walaa ’Aqwa ’Alaa Naaril Jahiimi
Fahabli Taubatan Waghfir Dzunubi
Fainnaka Ghofirudz Dzambil ’Adzhiimi
Zunuubi mitslu a’dadirrimaali
Fahabli Taubatan Ya Dzaljalaali
Wa ’umri Naqisun Fii Kulli Yaumin
Wa Dzambil Zaidun Kaifa Ihtimaali
Illahi ’Abdukal ’Aasi ataaka
Muqirrambidzunubi Waqodda’aaka
Faintaghfir Faanta Lidzaaka ahlu
Wa Intathrud Famannarju Siwaaka
Ilahi lastu lil Firdausi Ahlaan
Walaa ’Aqwa ’Alaa Naaril Jahiimi
Fahabli Taubatan Waghfir Dzunubi
Fainnaka Ghofirudz Dzambil ’Adzhiimi
Ilahi lastu lil Firdausi Ahlaan
Walaa ’Aqwa ’Alaa Naaril Jahiimi
Fahabli Taubatan Waghfir Dzunubi
Fainnaka Ghofirudz Dzambil ’Adzhiim
Lirik islami
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